commento inviato 9 anni fa
Una canzone memorabile cosi come tutto l'album omonimo. grande introspezione nel testo da parte di un un folksinger che in ogni canzone non mostra mai banalita'
commento inviato 8 anni fa
Ecco il testo di questa bella canzone del 1972 di Neil Young uno dei cantautori più famosi degli USA
Did I see you down
in a young girl's town
With your mother in so much pain?
I was almost there
at the top of the stairs
With her screamin' in the rain.
Did she wake you up
to tell you that
It was only a change of plan?
Dream up, dream up,
let me fill your cup
With the promise of a man.
Did I see you walking with the boys
Though it was not hand in hand?
And was some black face
in a lonely place
When you could understand?
Did she wake you up
to tell you that
It was only a change of plan?
Dream up, dream up,
let me fill your cup
With the promise of a man.
Will I see you give
more than I can take?
Will I only harvest some?
As the days fly past
will we lose our grasp
Or fuse it in the sun?
Did she wake you up
to tell you that
It was only a change of plan?
Dream up, dream up,
let me fill your cup
With the promise of a man
Odelli Antonesca
commento inviato 11 anni fa
per me HARVEST è un testo molto aspro e dolce come raccogliere uva dopo mesi di fatica e quindi questa raccolta HARVEST in analogia con questa vita e NEIL YOUNG ha una voce pastosa calda amara dolce come un buon vino e la sua chitarra sua armonica la sua musica è la sua vita nelle campagne ricche di raccolto ricche di frutti ma anche solitudini devastanti inebrianti tra vecchiaia e gioventù
commento inviato 10 anni fa
non ho mai sentito un commento così bello e così azzeccato per questo pezzo di Neil Young: è vero, è come un calkice di ottimo vino, da sorseggiare ad occhi chiusi e lasciarsi trasportare.........
commento inviato 9 anni fa
un tranquillo perido della mia adolescenza, quando accompagnavamo queste note con le nostre armoniche;passato in fretta, molto in fretta
Ma le mie canzoni ci sono ancora. Grazie. ↩ Rispondi
Did I see you down
in a young girl's town
With your mother in so much pain?
I was almost there
at the top of the stairs
With her screamin' in the rain.
Did she wake you up
to tell you that
It was only a change of plan?
Dream up, dream up,
let me fill your cup
With the promise of a man.
Did I see you walking with the boys
Though it was not hand in hand?
And was some black face
in a lonely place
When you could understand?
Did she wake you up
to tell you that
It was only a change of plan?
Dream up, dream up,
let me fill your cup
With the promise of a man.
Will I see you give
more than I can take?
Will I only harvest some?
As the days fly past
will we lose our grasp
Or fuse it in the sun?
Did she wake you up
to tell you that
It was only a change of plan?
Dream up, dream up,
let me fill your cup
With the promise of a man ↩ Rispondi